What is GISsmox?
GISsmox stands for "GIS supported mobile outdoor experiments (Feldexperimente mit mobiler GIS-Unterstützung)" and was funded by the Innovedum Fonds der ETH Zurich.

As part of the project, the D-USYS teaching specialist at the time Urs Brändle, together with the GISTeam and the respective excursion leaders, developed teaching scenarios in 2014 and 2015 in which, during an excursion, students collect spatial data together and simultaneously using their smartphones and evaluate it immediately afterwards.
Duration: 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2015
In a modified form, this approach was also used for the first time in the course "Biodiversity excursions" and in the block course "Plant diversity: subalpine/alpine".
You can find more information about the project under the individual tabs.