
Monika leads the GIS team and is responsible for GIS education at the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS). She teaches three GIS courses at Bachelor and Master level and is responsible for organising the Integrated Excursions. She provides GIS support for students, lecturers and researchers and teaches GIS-based case studies as part of the CAS in Spatial Information Systems at ETZ Zurich. She leads the ETH Group of Researchers using (Esri) GIS - EGREGIS and maintains the two ArcGIS online geodata portals for ETH and D-USYS.

Samuel supports the GISTeam with administrative, organisational and teaching-specific tasks. In addition, he collaborates in the development of new learning content and didactic concepts.

Alexandra supports the GISTeam primarily in supervising students in all aspects of teaching. In addition to updating and adapting already existing exercises, Alexandra collaborates in the elaboration and development of new learning materials. Furthermore, Alexandra is active in GIS support with her extensive experience in GIS, remote sensing and visualisation (3D).

Fanny's research focuses on the potential of remote sensing techniques to monitor biodiversity in forests and plant-soil systems in global change. In the GISTeam, she is jointly responsible for the strategic development of the courses offered in the field of Data Science. Furthermore, Fanny teaches in our master course (SAMO), co-supervises BSc. and MSc. thesis and supports our GIS support.