MSc Theses (GIS)
Open Topics (GIS)
On-going Topics
Completed Master Theses (GIS)
Elias Vogel (2024): Locating possible future protected areas for climate-sensitive bird species in Scotland
Supervisor(s): Monika Niederhuber, Alexandra Dias
Tomoki Loeillot (2023): Evolution of Europe’s fire regime: analyzing the elevational distribution of forest fires in Southern and Central Europe in the last two decades
Supervisor(s): Mirela Beloiu-Schwenke, Fanny Petibon
Finn Timcke (2023): Land cover classification mapping in the Kibaale Region in Western Uganda using multitemporal satellite images and machine learning classifiers
Supervisor(s): Fanny Petibon, Sebastian Dötterl
Samuel Küng (2019): Download Waldabgrenzung mithilfe von 3D Fernerkundungsdaten am Beispiel der Walddefinition des Schweizerischen Landesforstinventares (PDF, 145 KB) (DE)
Supervisor(s): Christian Ginzler (WSL), Monika Niederhuber
awarded with the Esri Young Scholar Award. Congratulations!